Accordion Roast Potatoes

Move over bland potatoes. Our Accordion Roast Potatoes are 200% tastier in musical-instrument-inspired form, according to a very official survey. Made even more delicious with our Beef Bone Broth Garden Herb, you’ll be wondering where these heavenly morsels have been your whole life after you have finished playing with them.



8-12 medium potatoes (trust me you will want as many as possible)
1/2 cup olive oil

2 garlic cloves, crushed

2 tsp salt

Cracked black pepper 

Fresh chopped rosemary to serve


2 chopsticks


1-2 tbsp Beef Bone Broth Garden Herb


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Peel and cut potatoes into even rectangles - about 2cm thick
  3. Place potato rectangles between chopsticks and cut horizontally with a 2mm gap between each cut
  4. Flip potato and cut the opposite side in an opposing way (like diagonal or vertically) with 2mm gaps (still in between the chopsticks so you don't cut through).
  5. Add Beef Bone Broth powder to olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper
  6. Line a baking tray with baking paper and transfer cut potatoes.
  7. Spoon on brothy olive oil and brush to coat on both sides. 
  8. Bake for 40-50 mins until golden brown and crispy.

Optional: flip (very carefully) halfway through

Serves: 8

Ready in: 30 mins


Beef Bone Broth Garden Herb

Beef Bone Broth Garden Herb


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